Tuesday, November 16, 2010

nate's Blog

blog poetry
word wars 1 & 2
nano wrimo
HW. RJ  10.9

The slavery debate
HW. Review notes for Quiz #6 Thursday

We just started to read our poems and Gary just asked Ms. Nakada why we read the poems. Ms. Nakada just told people to come up and get there alphasmart. We are writing on our alpha smarts and Ms. Nakada is getting mad a DJ because its taking him along time to log into his computer. I just started to write in my alphasmart and I have 273 words. It's really quiet in the class. I guess everyone is really trying hard on there nanowrimo. Ms. Nakada just told andrew to throw out his gum but Andrew wanted to go to the back to throw it out because I guess he wanted to fake it. The bells just rang so I will brb.

Ok I'm back and now we are about to start a word war. Instead of 10 we are doing 7 minutes. We just finished and Myra got the highest word count 315. We are taking cornell notes about The Slavery Debate. My hand is starting to hurt because of the notes :(.Daniel was playing with his pen and Ms. Nakada gave him a funny look. Ok so its time to go bye.

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