Friday, November 12, 2010

Anthony's Blog

Agenda: English
Saving Your Novel
Updating NaNo WriMo Account
NaNo WriMo
H/W:NaNo WriMo half-way by Monday

So Jenny picked me to do the blog(I'm going to get you back Jenny!) We started by walking into the computer lab. Ms.Nakada told us where to sit and we copied down the agenda from the computer. I can hear Angela and Angel talking about her graduating from! Ms.Nakada has us updating our NaNo WriMo accounts or countinue our novel.I can hear DJ roasting someone. I found out that Angela's novel character's name is! I mostly hear DJ talking throughout the whole English period. English done so next is History.

Constitutional Convention
Road to Revolution

Ms. Nakada is showing us how to get to some websites that can tell us about the Constitutional Convention. Gary is saying"Mr.Blounte!" Ms. Nakada is asking us to come up if we have reading journals or book projects. I just heard Andrew scream out, "I GOT IT!" Some of us are working on our reading journals. Angel and Mattew are going back and forth about who is wierd. Now Ms. Nakada is asking each pod to come up and show her our due H/W. DJ is saying "BABABABOSS!"DJ says he gets so much money from roasting his cousin. I'm glad for once DJ didn't say,"NO YOU'RE WRONG!!"(Thank you jesus.) I wonder when the period is going to end.Now Ms.Nakada is asking if we have any work to turn in. A fly is buzzing only around Angel.(I wonder why?) Class is getting a little boring without my friend Alex. Ms.Nakada looks upset because all of us are not turning in all or none of our work. Samantha is on,(how childish, who plays cookie monster games,HONESTLY!) Well, History is over is bye!

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