Tuesday, November 2, 2010

cushan's blog aha!

homework, reading journal 8.2

Okay, DJ, lemme not get on your big, "oh I love Shavon she my world ohh boy." aha everybody is typing our novel ima have the best novel in the WORLD. Boss. But Cindy, DJ is not the only person sprung (Zarius) ahahahaha. I'm roasting everybody. Tell me why is Matthew over there looking like a lost panda bear (roarr!) ahahahah smh. The room is so quiet and there is nobody saying anything mann. ahah. Man im lost i really dont know what to say at all, im just working on my novel and doing the blog at the same time.

Quiz #5

Ms. Nakada is going over the notes so everything is stuck in our heads for the test.  Imma take this test now.  I'm done and now imma write my novel.

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