t.g.f part 2
slavery in the u.s
hw rj 2.1 -2.5 due friday history quiz 1 tomorrow
We just read our poetry now we just had a quiz on t.g.f to see we read. Now we're reading t.g.f. Most us are following in th book but some are just looking on the board. This book is sad because these black people are being whiped for no reason. We just stopped reading so we could write about what we read. Now we just started again. We are talking about the book now. Now Ms. Nakada said we could have pizza on Friday. Now we're reading and talking more about the book we just stoped again to write for a minute and then go back to reading. We're done writing about pages 35-58 and now we're reading 59-70 out loud. Andrew is reading now but is laughing. Now Samantha is reading and every one is laughing . We're just going aroud the room and who ever wants to read can read. We're gonna read silently Ms. Nakada said unless someone volenteers to read finally someone vollunteered. Every one is quiet now and is following along in there books and switching off reading. We just tookout our glory feild packets and we're writing in them. Ms. Nakada took the paper off the board so we can't copy the paper any more. We asked her to put it back up and she did. Now we're opening to our english note books and watching slave narratives. The period is over and we're going to lunch.
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